Monday, June 9, 2008

Louisville...culinarily speaking

While working for the CollegeBoard has been good, the food that they 'cater' has been awful. So, that would explain why I've eaten most dinners out and about the city. I've eaten at Seviche (good, but slow service), Lynn's Paradise Cafe (fun and a solid performance), Ramsi's Cafe on the world ( a mouthful of a name for a lovely large portioned meal) and lastly, the Mayan Cafe (as pictured be the judge)


Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Looks impressive...was it as good as it looks? Glad you're back...time for a revival of sushi night...missed the first one and something in my life feels incomplete.(=

imageseer said...

it was very good! They provided me will all meals but the dinners weren't so I went out on my own instead! he he

imageseer said...

we need to do sushi...
you set the date and then lets talk my lovely ladhy lumberjack!

Mark and Kiss said...

Okay, I just want to know how you can eat all this stuff and still be skinny!!! What's going on? It all looks delectable.